In the News
Maj. Molly Kent, assistant professor in the Department of Biology, will discuss the level of stress in rats based on their home and lifestyle, and what these lessons have taught her about human stress, on the public radio program, “With Good Reason,” Sept. 7-14.
“Céad míle fáilte” is Gaelic for “a hundred thousand welcomes,” and captures the spirit of the warm hospitality a group of 11 Virginia Military Institute cadets and their two professors recently experienced while on an educational journey in Dingle, Ireland.
The Department of Biology at Virginia Military Institute hosted a joint meeting of the Helminthological Society of Washington and the Southeastern Society of Parasitologists in April. Over 100 biologists met in Marshall Hall.
Brig. Gen. Robert W. Moreschi honored seven exceptional cadets at VMI who are recipients of the prestigious Peay Merit Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to cadets who demonstrate exceptional leadership, academic excellence, athletic commitment, and an interest in national service.
What does the Bible say about what we should eat? That is the question Josh Cheung ’24, a Virginia Military Institute cadet double majoring in English and biology, sought to answer in his honors thesis, “Is God a Vegetarian?”
Gabriella Handford ’24, a biology major, recently presented her honors research thesis focused on her work and study of the effect of psychedelic drug therapy on male betta spendens as compared to traditional pharmaceuticals.
Courtney Novotny ’25 starts out each week with a plan. Every Sunday she goes over what needs to be done for the coming week. It’s the only way she can stay organized and on target for all her goals, especially since she’s one of the co-captains of the water polo team, handling her classes and more.
Caroline Lassalle ’25 has always had a strong desire to learn about exercise science and work in the medical field. The biology major spent five weeks last summer becoming a certified emergency medical technician (EMT) at Virginia Military Institute.
Ellie Pickford '24 stood before a small glass tank, peering intently at the colorful Betta fish swimming within. Her summer research project was well underway, and she was determined to unlock the mysteries behind the interactions between nicotine and antidepressants.
Pride, honor, and dignity filled Cameron Hall as Virginia Military Institute held its commencement ceremony and conferred degrees on the Class of 2023 Tuesday, May 16.