Office of Global Education

VMI emphasizes global outreach in many ways: study tours, cultural exchanges with foreign military academies and civilian universities, international internships, and study-abroad programs.

Studying and living in a foreign country is one of the most exciting experiences cadets have in college. More than 10 percent of the corps of cadets take advantage of our international programs every year. We offer semester study abroad programs with approved third-party providers, exchange programs at military academies, and direct enrollments at universities abroad. We also offer summer study abroad opportunities both through VMI faculty-led summer programs and through approved third-party providers.

Photo collage of cadets from left to right: riding a camel, snorkeling, standing with a VMI flag atop an Irish cliff, and the Terracotta soldiers

Cadets are permitted to study abroad after their first year at VMI, they may study abroad one regular semester (spring or fall) and as many summers as they like.  

The Institute has several scholarship funds to aid cadets who want to go abroad. The Office of International Programs assists cadets with applications for national scholarships, including the Fulbright, Olmsted, and Boren Scholarships and all aspects of planning study abroad programs.

Chelednik mountaintop view in Garmisch, Germany

Ready to see the world?

Every year, more than 100 cadets pursue an international learning experience. The first step on your journey is to watch the VMI Education Abroad Workshop and learn about program availability, requirements, and application process. Once you have done that, please make an advising appointment with OIP's study abroad advisor using the advising appointment schedule on our Study Abroad webpage.

Stoltzfus St. Malo Castle

Partnering for Success

VMI partners with a number of approved external study abroad providers as well as with approved military academies and civilian universities to expand our international program offerings. Learn more about the opportunities in these partner videos:

Photo of the Cathedral de Salamanca in Spain, taken by Cadet Emma Pratt on a study abroad trip. The cathedral is show from an angle below the tower, with a clock visible

I learned that we have more similarities than differences concerning core values and interactions. I saw through my host family the same expressions of love, kindness, and support that I see here in my own home.