2023-2024: TAPS — Brig. Gen. Robert “Bob” L. Green ’67 - VMI News

TAPS — Brig. Gen. Robert “Bob” L. Green ’67

LEXINGTON, Va. Sept. 25, 2023 — The Superintendent regrets to inform the VMI community of the death of Brig. Gen. Robert “Bob” L. Green ’67 on Sept. 10 at the age of 78 in Williamsburg, Virginia. Green retired from VMI in 2016 after more than 20 years of service to the Institute. 

After graduating VMI with a civil engineering degree, Green served in Vietnam with the U.S. Army, earned his master’s degree in civil engineering from University of Virginia, and went on to be president of the architectural and engineering firm Wiley|Wilson. The Superintendent regrets to inform the VMI community of the death of Brig. Gen. Robert “Bob” L. Green ’67 on Sept. 10 at the age of 78 in Williamsburg, Virginia.

At VMI, he was briefly an assistant professor of engineering, and then returned to VMI in 1997 in the commandant’s office. His most visible accomplishments occurred during his time as deputy superintendent for finance, administration, and support. This includes the construction of Third Barracks and the Corps Physical Training Facility. Green also oversaw renovations of Crozet Hall, Nichols, Maury-Brooke, Mallory Hall, Cormack Hall, Cocke Hall, and the transformative development of the Military and Leadership Field Training Grounds.

He led the Institute support operation consisting of more than 200 employees, providing management and daily oversight of administrative, finance, construction, engineering, contracting, food, human resource, transportation, medical, auxiliary, security, and safety operations. Under his management of the VMI museum system, it grew to include three facilities. Green also supervised VMI’s engagement with state legislators, nurturing strong support for VMI through periods of economic uncertainty and contributing to the development of legislation across many areas touching higher education.

“General Green possessed an unusual capacity for focus and stamina allowing him to successfully tackle a wide breadth of administrative issues,” said Brig. Gen. Dallas Clark ’99. “Ever focused on accomplishing a never-ending task list he was successful in drawing out exceptional performance from those under his stewardship and maintaining focus and support for VMI’s highest priority – the Corps of Cadets.”

He and his wife Carole, who worked in the Alumni Association for 15 years, have remained steadfast supporters of the Institute. Carole was part of the VMI Assimilation Committee as the Institute prepared for women to attend. She has remained a strong advocate for the women of VMI. 

A service will be held on Oct. 3 at 2 p.m. His full obituary can be found here.

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