What to Bring


Cadets will need an ID (driver's license, passport, etc.) and insurance information. 

Packing and Clothing

The 2024-25 VMI New Cadet Handbook is now available for viewing and download. Information from the Parents Council is also available: Cadet Handbook Parents Insert

The contents of the handbook, including events, visitation, and furloughs, are subject to change and/or cancellation due to evolving circumstances. A note will be added to this page if and when any adjustments are made.

Clothing recommendations are based on having to change clothes two or three times a day during the August heat. 

New cadets will be issued athletic uniforms at matriculation.  If you are in Lexington on Friday, August 16 we would like to encourage incoming cadets to pick up their initial athletic uniform from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. in Cameron Hall, any cadets who are unable to report on Friday may pick-up your athletic uniform on Saturday, August 17 during the Matriculation process in Cameron Hall. 

Boot Requirements: For 2024, incoming matriculants will need to purchase one of four authorized boots prior to Matriculation. Authorized boots, as well as sizing/fit information, can be found in Boot Guidance for Incoming Cadets.

Cadet Computing Requirements

The Department of Information Technology (IT) has recently updated cadet computer recommendations and requirements. Please review these expectations and pay close attention to the separate minimum system requirements for engineering majors.



Do not cut your hair to VMI standards prior to matriculation; VMI will take care of your first cadet haircut. You may donate your hair if it is at least 8 inches long to Locks of Love or other similar charities. Inform the barber if you want to donate your hair.

Prohibited items that will be confiscated:

  • Weapons of any type
  • Knives of any type
  • Electrical equipment and appliances (including microwave ovens, hot pots, heating elements, etc.)
  • Plants and pets
  • Flammable materials including candles, fireworks, incense, etc.
  • TVs, or any other type of entertainment media
  • Alcohol, illegal drugs or associated paraphernalia

Prohibited until after Breakout:

  • Cell phones
  • Electric razors
  • Radios (to include alarm clock radios)
  • DVDs, CDs, computer games
  • iPods or similar devices and MP3 players
  • Computer speakers
  • Transition lenses in eyeglasses
  • Clothing with emblems/logos, to include socks, underwear, T-shirts, linens, and towels


VMI: Forging 21st Century Leaders