Alumni - English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies - Virginia Military Institute


As English majors, VMI alumni have cultivated skills and capacities that are critical for long-lasting career success in the twenty-first century—written, oral, and digital communication; research and analysis; creativity; logic and argument; an understanding of human nature and cultural contexts; and more.


  • How are recent alumni using their English B.A.? - Learn about how recent department graduates use their English degree in a variety of different careers.
  • I want to be a lawyer - Find out from alumni how the VMI English B.A., with its training in research, close reading, writing, and argument, provides a valuable foundation for a career in law.
  • I want to be a military officer - Essential capacities for successful military officers include clear communication, scrupulous accuracy, attention to detail, and the ability to make effective cases to leaders, peers, and subordinates—all capacities that the VMI English B.A. cultivates in its majors.
  • I want a career in business - Recent data from the Association of American Colleges & Universities’ survey of employers show that when it come to hiring college graduates, employers prioritize applicants who can demonstrate excellent skills in communication, analysis, critical thinking, creativity, and ethical decision-making. The VMI English B.A. immerses cadets in developing deep competency in all of these skills (and more), providing a strong foundation for a career in business.
  • I want to teach - Learn about the many options for teaching you have with a VMI English B.A.