Acknowledgements and References


Special thanks to all of the individuals and organizations who contributed time and extensive knowledge to this page, including:

  • Philip de Vos, Virginia Canals and Navigations Society
  • Peggy Dyson-Cobb
  • Dr. David Harbor, Washington and Lee University geology department
  • Don Hasfurther, Historic Lexington Foundation
  • Dr. John Knox, Washington and Lee biology department
  • Col. Kenneth Koons, Virginia Military Institute history department
  • Dr. Paul Low, Washington and Lee geology department
  • Katie Letcher Lyle
  • Laura Neale, Rockbridge Bird Club
  • Dr. Michael Pelton, University of Tennessee Department of Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries
  • Wendy Richards, Rockbridge Bird Club
  • Col. Richard Rowe, Virginia Military Institute biology department
  • Rockbridge Historical Society
  • Alexia Smith, Rockbridge Bird Club
  • Dr. Edgar Spencer, Washington and Lee geology department
  • Lisa Tracy, Chair, Chessie Trail Committee, Rockbridge Area Conservation Council
  • Dr. William Trout III, Virginia Canals and Navigations Society
  • Virginia Canals and Navigations Society
  • Washington and Lee archaeology department
  • Tom Kastner
  • Steve Harrington 


  • Brady Papers. Canal along Chessie Trail. Box 12 Folder 5. Washington and Lee University Special Collections and Archives, Lexington, Virginia.  
  • Camuto, Christopher. Hunting from Home. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2004. Print.  
  • Flory, S. Luke. “Management of Microstegium vimineum invasions and recovery of resident plant communities.” Restoration Ecology 18.1 (2010): 103-112. Print.  
  • Gilbert, Benjamin and Jonathan M. Levine. “Plant invasions and extinction debts.” PNAS 110.5 (2013): 1744-1749. Print.  
  • Gilliam, Catherine M. “Jordan’s Point – Lexington, Virginia: A Site History.” Proceedings of the Rockbridge Historical Society. Eds. Sharon R. Ritenour, Larry I. Bland, and Joellen K. Bland. Vol. 9. Lexington, VA: Rockbridge Historical Society, 1982. Print.  
  • Gurevitch, Jessica and Dianna K. Padilla. “Are invasive species a major cause of extinctions?” TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution 19.9 2004): 470-474. Print.  
  • Harrington, Steve. Steve Harrington Photograph Collection. Washington and Lee University Special Collections and Archives, Lexington, Virginia.  
  • Jones, Henry Boswell. The Diary of Henry Boswell Jones of Brownsburg (1842-1871). Ed. Charles Wilson Turner. Verona, VA: McClure Press, 1979. Print.  
  • Knapp, John W. “Trade and Transportation in Rockbridge: The First Hundred Years.” Proceedings of the Rockbridge Historical Society. Eds. Sharon R. Rienour, Larry I. Bland, and Joellen K. Bland. Vol 9. Lexington, VA: Rockbridge Historical Society, 1982. Print.  
  • Koons, Kenneth E. “‘The Staple of Our Country’: Wheat in the Regional Farm Economy of the Nineteenth-Century Valley of Virginia.” Proceedings of the Rockbridge Historical Society. Ed. Larry I. Bland. Vol. 12. Lexington, VA: Rockbridge Historical Society, 2003. Print.  
  • Mack, Richard N., Daniel Simberlof, W. Mark Lonsdale, Harry Evans, Michael Clout, and Fakhri Buzzaz. “Biotic invasions: Causes, epidemiology, global consequences, and control.” Issues in Ecology 5 (2000): 1-20. Print.  
  • North River – Articles and Clippings. Pat Brady and Royster Lyle Papers, Box 3. RHS MSS Collection.  
  • Washington and Lee University Special Collections and Archives, Lexington, Virginia.  
  • Reid’s Dam. Copy made March 11, 1982. Canals – Photographs – Places (4). RHS (Misc.) Collection. Washington and Lee University Special Collections and Archives, Lexington, Virginia  
  • Rockbridge Area Conservation Council. Field Guide to the Chessie Nature Trail. Eds. Lisa Tracy and Jeanne Eichelberger. Buena Vista, VA: Mariner Publishing, 2009. Print.  
  • Rodgers, Vikki L., Kristina A. Stinson, and Adrien C. Finzi. ”Ready or not, garlic mustard is moving in: Alliara peiolata as a member of eastern North American forests.” BioScience 58.5 (2008): 426-436. Print.  
  • Simberloff, Daniel, Jean-Louis Martin, Piero Genovesi, Virginie Maris, David A. Wardle, James Aronson, Franck Courchamp, Bella Galil, Emili Garcia-Berthou, Michel Pascal, Petr Pysek, Ronaldo Sousa, Eric Tabacchi, and Montserrat Vila. “Impacts of biological invasions: what’s what and the way forward.”Trends in Ecology and Evolution 28.1 (2013): 58-66. Print.   
  • Tallamy, Douglas W. Bringing Nature Home: How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants, Updated and Expanded. Portland, OR: Timber Press, 2009. Print.  
  • Trout, William E., III. “An Automobile Tour of the North River Navigation.” Proceedings of the Rockbridge Historical Society. Eds. Larry I. Bland and Joellen K. Bland. Vol. 8. Lexington, VA: Rockbridge Historical Society, 1980. Print.  
  • Trout, William E., III. “The Maury River Atlas: Historic Sites on the North River Navigation.” 1991. Virginia Canals and Navigations Society. Brady Papers, Box 12 Folder 11. RHS MSS Collection. Washington and Lee University Special Collections and Archives, Lexington, Virginia.  
  • Trout, William E., III. “The North River Navigation: Lexington’s Link with the Sea.” 1966. Pat Brady and Royster Lyle Papers, Box 3. RHS MSS Collection. Washington and Lee University Special Collections and Archives, Lexington, Virginia.  
  • Virginia Military Institute Archives. Records of the Superintendent. Administrative Subject Files. Chessie Trail.